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As you get ready to have your baby, there is a lot to know and do. Madison Regional Health System is here to help you on your journey to parenthood. With one-to-one attention from your delivery team, you will receive exceptional, compassionate birthing care during your stay with us. We have state of the art technology for monitoring and providing care for both mom and baby including Periwatch and a Panda Infant Warmer. These technologies have wireless monitoring capabilities to help us provide exceptional care. Safety is our first priority and our secure nursery includes an infant security system.

To help you prepare for your new arrival, we offer a free Hello, Baby! Education Series. Included in the education series is Childbirth Education, Breastfeeding Education, and Baby Care Edcuation. For more information or to register for the classes, please click here.

“We had a great hospital experience the day our baby girl was born! I would recommend MRHS as it is close to home, great quality care and a very clean facility!” -D.L.

Our labor and delivery staff are certified in:

  • ACLS – Advanced cardiac Life Support
  • NRP – Neonatal Resuscitation Program
  • BLS – Basic Life Support

Additionally, Madison Regional Health System has a Certified Lactation Counselor on staff as well as a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician.

During your labor we offer the following amenities:

  • Birthing ball
  • Peanut ball
  • Spacious Birthing Suite with your own private bathroom
  • Whirlpool bathtub in your private suite
  • Accommodations for your partner or support person
  • Secure unit with infant security system
  • Nitrous Oxide and Epidurals for pain management during labor
  • Direct access to the Operating Room for cesarean-sections

Birthing Suites & Nursery Video Tour Coming Soon!

Madison Regional Health System participates in South Dakota’s Child Safety Seat Distribution Program, which provides new car seats to income-eligible families. For more details, call 605-256-6551 or visit The link provides info about the program as well as current laws for child restraints.